You Know It Is Happening…
You Are Feeling The Effects of worry accelerating…
You Want To Stop or Slow It Down…
You Do NOT Know How With All The Confusion and Contradictions
So Cannot Get Started or See Progress, it feels helpless…
The Slow Deterioration Continues
You Feel It Is Out Of Your Control…
You will consider investing what it takes to get the best expertise…
Someone able to pull from many years of experience, therefore able to give you the individual advice you need…
Who not only knows and understands the challenges; they have reversed the condition with 40 years experience in the field of psycho-physical fitness, performance and health.
This Is Where This Training Steps In!
Why Do You Get Diabetes?
The Perfect Storm
When you research the current literature, TWO factors jump out at you. They come together when you develop type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
I call this “the Perfect Storm”. One of these factors is out of your control.
However, the other is not only within your control – IT IS CAPABLE OF OVERRIDING BOTH FACTORS on its own!

What Is the PHYSICAL PRIMING T2D System ? The Physical Priming System for T2D is designed for tackling and preventing Insulin Resistance (AEq IR) using scientifically proven methods applied to individually turn around Type 2 Diabetes risks and remove the IR issues using targeted lifestyle (drug-free) personal programs.
It is delivered individually (it must be tackled this way to achieve risk removal as each person is different). Because of this, I will work together with you personally to apply your own professional lifestyle intervention plan using the physical priming method. I stress again, it is of course essential to follow a professionally tailored system to remove type 2 diabetes risk and learn through personal supervision, how to individually remove the CAUSE and return back to a normal life (no specific diet required).

The program when followed, works by shifting your body (physiologically) into an a physically primed mode which can then be maintained using only a minimum effective dose (more food, and using a simple metabolic muscle plan – reducing 70% of the previous required dose, to keep you there.
Adapted over 40+ years, this is a plan that has proven the test of time! And has evolved into a directly targeted signature solution based on the scientific research in both of the major lifestyle fields – which JJ refers to as FUEL AND FIRE. These two lifestyle factors dominate this condition that cause an issue affecting around 30% of the population who are susceptible to this mechanistic health problem centered around two organs. In this case we are focused upon two of our major organs (Pancreas and Liver).
The insulin resistant T2D condition is TOTALLY preventable if you know what to do for your specific situation. We will use and adapt 3 major 5 week mesocycles to put your body into what we call a physically primed condition, that is based on you and your situation (and if you start now, JJ will be personally supervising your progress).

But it is sometimes better to describe AEq IR prevention system by what it is NOT…
What this Lifestyle System for T2D is NOT
The Physical Priming System for T2D is NOT just superficial management, strict dieting or medical procedures and interventions.
This is about preventing the condition altogether by changing the physiological and psychological condition which is associated with the Type 2 diabetic disease and other metabolic conditions. Thus we get you returning back to health, and individual fitness; through physical priming and attaining your personal fat threshold (which by the way varies drastically from one person to another!). More about that in the program.
This is also NOT a “managing the symptoms” program. We are going after the cause!
Our principle viewpoint is you should be looking to STOP the cause NOT the symptoms. Unlike what was claimed for many years that adult onset diabetes (type 2) can not be cured – we now know through recent research that this is NOT TRUE. For example Professor Roy Taylor MBE who has studied diabetes for more than 40 years (as long as JJ has been reversing it in the field) that his twin hypothesis studies proves his theory works.
Attacking the cause, will of course remove the symptoms – therefore prevent or in some cases remove the damage the symptoms can otherwise produce if left to its own devices.
If you do not address the CAUSE, you will likely be left to fend off the symptoms by “managing them” for the rest of your life (type 2 diabetes is NOT a life sentence but managing symptoms and leaving the cause is).
This system then allows you to focus on the things in life you want and need. In other words we train you to become what I refer to as the “ATHLETE of YOUR Life” (a term we created to represent your ability to do what you want to do within YOUR personal lifestyle situation)!
This is done many ways and is highly dependable on how you achieve this individually. For example changing your BIOLOGICAL CLOCK, Improving your physical ability to use blood sugar efficiently – removing the need for “dieting” or spending the rest of your life having to monitor or restrict carbs or fat to meet your desired lifestyle and your current/future activity plans.
This is NOT a program like any other out there – it is a proprietary signature solution that came out of 40+ years working in the industry.
The system has been designed, used and iterated for over 4 decades. The research, results, experience and methodology that changes lives over and over again; has evolved into what is referred to as the Armstrong Equation (AEq). The AEq in this case is for those at risk or have already developed insulin resistance.
I do not know this because I do not know you or your situation. Therefore, we do not offer this program without addressing your circumstances first.
It is however, important to note – the more developed your condition is – the more drastic you need to be and in some cases the damage can become irreversible due to your body’s inability to address the issues. The sooner you act the better.
For this reason, JJ currently offers a free 20 minute “coffee break chat” to discover if this risk reducing or reversal plan is suitable for you personally. Fortunately for most of you it is still possible to attack the condition head on. In some cases, for those who have developed consequential conditions may be able to be pushed back into remission or better managed (with the help and co-operation of your medical team).
So, in JJ’s words “it is at least worth us having a quick chat as I will do my best to offer advice on my area of expertise”.
How We Apply Our Type 2 Diabetes Risk Elimination Method To Achieve Our Results, We follow 4 Principles
In essence we do the following in our AEq IR Prevention Program:
- FIRST: Apply scientifically proven tactics and investigative research to significantly change your biological issues.
- SECOND: Apply base objective and subjective testing. We do this by starting with a detailed “Discovery” assessment of your current circumstances to capture your baselines.
- THIRD: Combine the best physical, mental or lifestyle applications to combat, prevent or reverse your biological fat set point (meaning where you always level out with your health and fitness).
- FORTH: Focus most on what you need NOW to get results in the shortest time possible.